Friday, October 16, 2015

NewSpace NYC Business Plan Competitio

in partnership with the Space Frontier Foundation, Digital Vikings, Space Angels Network, OrbitalATK, Heinlein Prize Trust and the Space Finance Group.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Check out Mark Jackson's hackathon

Thursday, September 24, 2015

UrtheCast goes SAR

Thursday, September 10, 2015

More thoughts on the complementary nature of SAR imagery to e/o imagery

I earlier mused how I thought there should be some kind of "orthogonality" argument, in a mathematical sense, about why SAR imagery complements electro-optical (e/o) imagery - i.e., why SAR imagery is a unique complement vice being just linearly additive.

E/o imagery is based on collection of light - either reflected or transmitted in the form of heat.  SAR imagery is based on the collection of radio frequency (RF) signals - basically time of flight (time to receive return signal) and phase characteristics of the returned signal.  Light is characterized as photons, RF energy as waves.  While both electromagnetic phenomena come from the same underlying basis of physics, it seems those 2 descriptions should make for some kind of uniqueness, or orthogonality.

Sunday, August 16, 2015